Our Online Store has Moved!

After 4 long years, and some bumps in the road, we have moved our Online Store to greener pastures. You can join us on the new hairyt.com, now powered by Shopify and BinderPOS.

Fear not though, we're not going anywhere. You may have questions about what the move means for you. Here are some things to know:

If you have an active account here:

Your account info remains here, and some of your info is being ported over. Your order history remains available here for as long as we keep paying for this service (current sunset date is June 30). You will have to create a new account when you join us on our new site, of course. We also are not able to port all of your info over, so you will still have to reenter your address the first time through.

If you have Store Credit:

Our new platform has two ways of handling what we referred to here as Store Credit, mostly involving a dry bit of tax treatment that Sierra can bore you to death with below. In short, if you had Credit here, that value will be usable there. You may have Store Credit there, or may have received a digital Gift Card, depending on where your Credit came from (trade-ins or events). At worst, nothing materially changes. At best, you may save some tax dollars.

If you use our mobile app for rewards:

That is completely unaffected by this move, however if for whatever reason you want to use points you already have and can't make it out in person, email us and we can figure out your options. Make sure your phone number in your account there is correct.

If you have a physical Gift Certificate:

Those are still valid (by Ontario Law they have no expiry date), but we have no easy way to apply them to the new online store. If you can't make it to us in person for some time, mail them back to us and we'll issue you a new one that is compatible with the new online store. Otherwise do hang onto them; they're no good if you lose them.

If you have an open Preorder:

We will still honour any preorders that have been made here as they are. We're keeping the lights on here at least through the end of June. That said, if your preorder is not yet paid for, we do need that payment ASAP.

If you have an active buylist in the mail:

Same story, we're still taking what you asked to sell to us, although you may experiemce a slight delay as we transfer the received inventory (and store credit, if applicable). That said, any buylist more than 30 days old without us receiving your cards will be cancelled, so if you're waiting to turn that buylist in, get on it!

If you have a Comic Pull File:

Stand by for a direct email.

If you live in the EU:

We recognize your right to be forgotten under GDPR. If you wish to invoke this right, let us know.

If you want the dry explanation of store credit and tax:

This service treats store credit like cash or gift cards: it applies the amount to the total after tax. However individuals (read: not a GST registered business) trading things into us can apply the value of trade towards the purchase price of new things BEFORE tax is applied. Because we issued store credit for both trade-ins and other things (events, digital gift certificates, other incentives from time to time), once store credit was added to an account, it would be hard to discern what type of credit it was, and so the trade treatment could only apply same-day.

Moving forward, store credit in BinderPOS is only for trades. Any prizes or other incentives, and of course gift cards, will be issued as gift cards in Shopify. You CAN use both in the same transaction online, but they may create some hiccups when used together in-store.